Vacancy Announcement for Asst. Counselor
The National Commission for Women and Children (NCWC) is pleased to announce the following vacancy on regular Contract for a period of 2 years and 10 months (March 2022- December 2024) under the SCI Project as follows:
Documents required :
1. Civil Service Employment Application Form (Form 4/1, BCSR 2018)
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Copy of Citizenship ID card
4. Copy academic transcript
5. Valid online security Clearance Certificate
6. Medical Fitness Certificate with validity for 6 months
7. No Objection Certificate, if employed
8. Any other relevant documents
Applicants with relevant qualification/ training and work experience shall be given preference. Sl.No. 6 can be submitted later if you are shortlisted. Application along with the above documents must be submitted to the Human Resource Section, NCWC or emailed to [email protected] or [email protected] on or before 18th February, 2022. For any queries, kindly contact 17721657 or email to [email protected] or [email protected]
All Updates
- IDEVAW_Press Release 25th November 2024
- Understanding Basic Gender Concepts and Gender Mainstreaming tools - Gender Mainstreaming Training
- Training on Early Identification and Safe Referral of Children in Zhemgang
- Annual Gender and Child Focal Point Meeting
- NCWC - Executive Order
- NCWC Hosts Consultation Workshop to Develop Action Plan for 10th CEDAW Concluding Observations
- Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus (AWPC), Thimphu, Bhutan 13th - 14th May, 2024
- Sensitization Program on Women's and Children's Rights for Members of Parliament.
- Suggestions and feedback on the Revised National Gender Equality Policy
- Orientation program-JSW School of Law
- Orientation program to the Community based and School Based Child Protection Committees.
- Training of Trainer-Dekyid Thuendrel
- "Empowering Communities to Address Violence Against Children" A pilot project in 3 Dzongkhags
- Training of Thimphu Thromde Community Mentors and School Trainers on the Dekyid Thuendrel- Parenting without Violence Toolkit
- Orientation and Coordination Meeting with Community Members.