Advertisement for the printing of the Child Friendly Version of the CCPA
The "South Asia Initiative to End Violence Against Children (SAIEVAC)" Project funded by the SAARC Development Fund (SDF) under the National Commission for Women and Children (NCWC) would like to invite sealed bids from national printing firms to print the Child Friendly version of the Child Care and Protection Act of Bhutan 2011 (CCPA).
The tender documents are available for sale from June 15, 2015 from the Procurement Unit, NCWC upon payment of Nu. 200/- as the cost of bidding document (Non-refundable). Interested firms with valid trade license may submit their seal bid along with the relevant documents to the Head AFD/HRM, NCWC latest by June 19, 2015 on or before 12:30 p.m. The bids will be opened on the same day at 2:00 p.m.
For further information, please contact Chhoeki Penjor/Tenzin Kuenzang at 334549/334551 during office hours.
All Updates
- IDEVAW_Press Release 25th November 2024
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- Annual Gender and Child Focal Point Meeting
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- Orientation program to the Community based and School Based Child Protection Committees.
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- Training of Thimphu Thromde Community Mentors and School Trainers on the Dekyid Thuendrel- Parenting without Violence Toolkit
- Orientation and Coordination Meeting with Community Members.