Training of Thimphu Thromde Community Mentors and School Trainers on the Dekyid Thuendrel- Parenting without Violence Toolkit
The NCWC in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, supported by Save the Children completed the Dekyid Thuendrel- Parenting without violence, training of trainers to community volunteers and school teachers from 4-12th November 2022. The TOT involved teachers from 14 schools and volunteers from 7 demkhongs. The training is a key activity of the project "Empowering Communities to Address Violence Against Children", which will be rolled out in Thimphu Thromde, Dagana and Zhemgang in early 2023.
All Updates
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- Annual Performance Agreement (APA) signing
- One day sensitization program in collaboration with Tarayana Foundation
- Sensitization on "SOP on Referral and Management of Cases related to CIDC and WIDC"
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- Selection result for Project officer
- Vacancy re-announcement for the post of Chief Program Office
- Vacancy for the post of Chief Program Officer
- Result for the post of Project Manager