Annual gender and Child Focal Person's Meeting 2021
NCWC conducted the Annual Gender and Child focal person's meeting in two groups from 22 to 23 June and 28 to 29 June 2021. The annual meeting aims to discuss issues, gaps and challenges on gender and child, plan way forward on mainstreaming gender and child issues and provide platform for networking among Gender and Child Focal Persons. The meeting is also aimed towards providing a knowledge co-sharing forum to GCFPs. The meeting was attended by Gender and Child focal persons from central agencies and Dzongkhags. During the meeting, an action plan was also formulated to address issues related to women and children in the country.
All Updates
- Quotation for translation of the Rules Guidelines
- Welcoming two division Chiefs
- Inauguration of creche
- Dzongkha development training by DDC
- Sensitization of School Guidance Counselors on "SOP on Referral and Management of Cases related to CIDC and WIDC"
- Vacancy Announcement for driver
- Regional Expert Group Meeting in Colombo
- Annual Performance Agreement (APA) signing
- One day sensitization program in collaboration with Tarayana Foundation
- Sensitization on "SOP on Referral and Management of Cases related to CIDC and WIDC"
- Gender Awareness and Sensitization program in Mongar.
- Selection result for Project officer
- Vacancy re-announcement for the post of Chief Program Office
- Vacancy for the post of Chief Program Officer
- Result for the post of Project Manager