National Survey on Women’s Health and Life Experiences 2017- A Study on Violence against Women in Bhutan
The National Commission for Women and Children (NCWC) organized a day long consultative workshop on the preliminary findings of the "National Survey on Women’s Health and Life Experiences 2017- A Study on Violence against Women in Bhutan" on 17th September, 2018 at Namgay Heritage Hotel, Thimphu.
The main objective of the workshop is to get feedback on the draft report and also get views and suggestion on improving the report. Participants provided many valuable comments, feedbacks and recommendations during the workshop. The technical team will work on the feedbacks and circulate the final draft report towards the end of November for further comments. NCWC would like to thank all the participants for the support and inputs.
The Steering Committee Members, Core Working Group and participants from relevant stakeholders participated in the workshop. The Resident Representative of the UN System in Bhutan, Deputy Resident Representative, UNDP, Resident Representative, Austrian Development Cooperation and representatives from UNICEF, UNFPA also attended the workshop.
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